Monday, August 04, 2014

Back home

I rode back from West Virginia to Montreal in 2 days, with a night in a motel in Pennsylvania. So my trip is now finished and I am glad to be back home with my family.
Here are some stats of the trip.
- Number of days on the road: 62
- Total distance driven: 22 017 km (13 680 miles)
- Number of provinces visited: 6
- Number of states visited: 17
- Number of rainy days: 4
- Liters of gasoline burned: 1095
- Blog entries: 34
- Max range on highway per tank: 300km
- Cheapest gas: Tennessee at 3.19 per gallon (91.8 CDN cents per liter)
- Times stopped by police: 0  :-)
- Number of ferries taken: 1
- Nights couch surfing at friends': 6
- Nights in campgrounds: 35

Stars show the places where I spent the night


  1. Nice data porn my friend :-) -Frank

  2. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing some actual (and not only factual!) stories...;-)

  3. Welcome back Eric ! Where is the heatmap ? :-)
