Tuesday, July 01, 2014


A short 4 hour drive from the northern Sierras to Nevada and I checked into Circus-Circus. I walked around the casinos and saw more VLTs in a couple hours than I have in my life.
I didn't play anything, but I watched Brazil beat Chile on a pretty big screen. I left the circus and headed south to Lake Tahoe. More miles on curvy mountain passes towards the deserts.
I did a little night riding and got to Bishop, a small town 100 km north of Death Valley, and checked into a cheezy motel.


  1. Salut Eric,

    Merci d'uploader des photos!
    J'imagine qu'il est trop tard maintenant pour que tu passes pres de Zyzzyx road...

    Vers ou t'en vas-tu, cette semaine? Ou sera-tu le 4 juillet?

    1. Le 4 a San Fran avec ma 'better-half' ;-)
